Category:Office License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: FlattrID:80944 Summary:Offline dictionary Description: An offline dictionary and Wikipedia reader. Ready-made dictionaries can be found on the website. It can integration with both [[]] and [[org.coolreader]] to provide instant dictionary lookups. . Repo Type:git Repo:git:// Build Version:1.3.1,10,1.3.1,prebuild=mv lib libs Build Version:1.4.0,12,7df930161256324e31b2c720281629f58446b6d6,prebuild=mv lib libs Build Version:1.4.1,13,b81c9c8c52de5f65b550e3c608a610962582e5cd,prebuild=mv lib libs Update Check Mode:Market Current Version:1.4.1 Current Version Code:13