#NonFreeDep may be removed by applying the patch below AntiFeatures:NonFreeDep Category:Internet License:GPLv3 Web Site:http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com Source Code:http://tzm-android.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tzm-android/ Issue Tracker:http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=374890&atid=1561078 Donate:http://sourceforge.net/donate/index.php?group_id=374890 Auto Name:TZM Summary:Info about The Zeitgeist Movement Description: "It's time to change... and we have a plan. Beyond poverty, politics and war." Application promoting The Zeitgeist Movement and The Venus Project. You will find here information about upcoming events such as Z-Day, shows, movies, etc. '''N.B''' Any function that requires a map will be unusable because Google Maps is the only map source and API key aren't in the source code. There are very few, but if you need to use Google Maps you can install a developer build from the website. Anti-feature: Dependencies. It's necessary for Google Maps to be already installed either as an app or as a shared system library for this app to be installable. We will be able to remove this dependency soon. . Repo Type:svn #Repo url used for first two builds: contains lots of useless stuff #Repo:https://tzm-android.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tzm-android Repo:https://tzm-android.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tzm-android/TZM-Android Auto Update Mode:None #Commented out because the Repo url has changed #Build Version:1.2.3,24,303,subdir=TZM-Android,target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:16 #Build Version:1.2.4,25,316,subdir=TZM-Android,target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:16 #'''N.B no space after slash'''. The app will crash if maps are opened and Google maps not installed #The app doesn't seem to work unless cellular is working! #Build Version:1.2.4,25,316,target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:16,prebuild=\ #sed -i 's///g' AndroidManifest.xml #Update Check Mode:Market Update Check Mode:None Current Version:1.2.4 Current Version Code:25