Name:Narau Category:Science & Education License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Summary:Japanese revision help Description: * A dictionary (Japanese/English,French,German,Dutch,Russian), based on JMDict (Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary) * Hiragana/Katakana charts * A Kana/Kanji drawing panel * Kana/Kanji drill (English, French, Portuguese, Spanish). The kanjis informations comes from Kanjivg and KANJIDIC2 databases. The databases need to be downloaded and the startup screen will show you what's needed (~20MiB). There are scripts in the source repo for doing it too. An apk for Android Cupcake 1.5 to Froyo 2.2 is available on the website. . Repo Type:bzr Repo:lp:narau/fdroid Build Version:0.6,3,41,subdir=Narau Build Version:0.7,4,43,subdir=Narau Build Version:0.8,5,!won't build with android-16 46,subdir=Narau #Not in the playmarket Update Check Mode:None Current Version:0.8 Current Version Code:5