Category:Multimedia License:Apache2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:Flickr Viewer HD Summary:Flickr viewer for tablets Description: N.B It isn't possible to view geo-tagged photos on a map because Google Maps is the only map source and f-droid can't supply an API key to use it. 1.2.8-2 patches the original 1.2.8 version so that the app is installable without Google Maps already installed in the device. . Repo Type:git-svn Repo: Build:1.2.8,19 disabled=gmaps dependency commit=402 target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:16 Build:1.2.8-2,20 commit=402 prebuild=sed -i 's/android:required="true"/android:required="false"/g' AndroidManifest.xml Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:1.2.8 Current Version Code:19