Categories:Theming License:GPL-3.0-only Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Summary:Battery current draw widget Description: Displays how much electric current the device is using from the battery or receiving from the charger. It can also notify you when the device is using too much battery. Add widget to home screen after installation; open settings & graph via launcher icon. Touch the displayed value to switch views. NOTE: The electric current reading doesn't work on all devices. The reason is that the manufacturers (mostly Motorola and Samsung) don't support this in the battery driver or in the hardware. * Two widget designs (as two widgets in the widgets list) — Classic and Text. * Notification — get real time alerts on high current values * Transparent style with customization options * Voltage & Battery level (%) display * Log battery values (see this script for analysis) * Set an arithmetic operation on the current value to adjust for different devices * Plot current graph . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:0.36b,31 commit=236 subdir=CurrentWidget srclibs=Color-Picker-2@45ee6554a1db prebuild=printf "android.library.reference.1=../CurrentWidgetLibrary" >> && \ mkdir -p src/ && \ rm -rf ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/bin && \ mv res/drawable/icon.png ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/res/drawable/ && \ printf "android.library=true\nandroid.library.reference.1=$$Color-Picker-2$$" >> ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/ update=.,../CurrentWidgetLibrary target=android-15 Build:0.38a,36 commit=276 subdir=CurrentWidget srclibs=Color-Picker-2@45ee6554a1db prebuild=printf "android.library.reference.1=../CurrentWidgetLibrary" >> && \ mkdir -p src/ && \ rm -rf ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/bin && \ mv res/drawable/icon.png ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/res/drawable/ && \ printf "android.library=true\nandroid.library.reference.1=$$Color-Picker-2$$" >> ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/ update=.,../CurrentWidgetLibrary target=android-17 Build:0.39,38 commit=283 subdir=CurrentWidget srclibs=Color-Picker-2@45ee6554a1db prebuild=printf "android.library.reference.1=../CurrentWidgetLibrary" >> && \ mkdir -p src/ && \ rm -rf ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/bin && \ mv res/drawable/icon.png ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/res/drawable/ && \ printf "android.library=true\nandroid.library.reference.1=$$Color-Picker-2$$" >> ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/ update=.,../CurrentWidgetLibrary target=android-17 Build:0.39a,39 disable=Proprietary dependencies just so you can 'rate' the widget!? commit=290 Build:0.4a,46 commit=310 subdir=CurrentWidget patch=rm_one_plus.patch srclibs=AChartEngine@r534,DashClock@d043bbca9ca7,Color-Picker-2@61a1f01e404b rm=CurrentWidgetLibrary/libs/*,CurrentWidgetLibrary/src/com/manor/currentwidget/library/ extlibs=android/android-support-v4.jar prebuild=mv libs/android-support-v4.jar ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/libs/ && \ printf "android.library=true\ntarget=19\nandroid.library.reference.1=$$Color-Picker-2$$" > ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/ && \ cp -R $$DashClock$$/api/src/main/java/* ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/src/ && \ cp -R $$DashClock$$/api/src/main/aidl/* ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/src/ && \ mkdir -p src/ update=.,../CurrentWidgetLibrary target=android-19 build=pushd $$AChartEngine$$ && \ $$MVN3$$ package && \ popd && \ cp $$AChartEngine$$/target/achartengine-1.1.0.jar ../CurrentWidgetLibrary/libs Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:0.4a Current Version Code:46