Categories:Phone & SMS License:GPL-3.0 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:Linphone Summary:SIP (VOIP) phone Description: * Audio: speex; Opus; iLBC; G711; GSM; G722; Silk; PCMA; PCMU; AMR-WB; AAC-ELD * Video with VP8, mpeg4, x264; H263 * Audio multicall and conferencing * SRTP/ZRTP media encryption * Echo cancellation * Address book integration * Call history * Multiple accounts support * Native x86 * Text messaging . Repo Type:git Repo:git:// Build:2.0.3-fdroid,2003 disable=contains non-free codecs at 2.0.3-1 commit=2.0.3-1 submodules=yes prebuild=rm -rf tests submodules/externals/webrtc/modules/video_capture/main/source/android/java/org/webrtc/videoengine/* && \ echo "" > && \ sed -i 's@\(NDK_PATH=\).*@\1$$NDK$$@' Makefile && \ sed -i 's/markets\">true/markets\">=false/g' res/values/non_localizable_custom.xml build=make BUILD_SILK=0 BUILD_X264=1 BUILD_GPLV3_ZRTP=1 BUILD_FOR_X86=1 prepare-sources Build:2.1.2-fdroid,2120 disable=do not build anymore due to change in x264 history commit=846a2a3a58 submodules=yes patch=makefile.patch prebuild=sed -i '1 i NDK_PATH=$$NDK$$\nSDK_PATH=$$SDK$$/tools\nSDK_PLATFORM_TOOLS_PATH=$$SDK$$/platform-tools\n' Makefile && \ echo '' > && \ rm -rf tests submodules/externals/webrtc/modules/video_capture/main/source/android/java/org/webrtc/videoengine/* && \ sed -i 's/markets">true/markets">=false/g' res/values/non_localizable_custom.xml update=no build=make Build:,2202 disable=wip - just needs new makefile patch at 1c3e19eb983 commit=1c3e19eb983 submodules=yes patch=makefile.patch prebuild=sed -i '1 i NDK_PATH=$$NDK$$\nSDK_PATH=$$SDK$$/tools\nSDK_PLATFORM_TOOLS_PATH=$$SDK$$/platform-tools\n' Makefile && \ echo '' > && \ rm -rf tests submodules/externals/webrtc/modules/video_capture/main/source/android/java/org/webrtc/videoengine/* && \ sed -i 's/markets">true/markets">=false/g' res/values/non_localizable_custom.xml update=no build=make Build:,2211 disable=doesn't build because NDK r9b/r9c are broken - error: undefined reference to 'log2f' commit= submodules=yes prebuild=rm -rf submodules/mssilk/ios_bin tests submodules/externals/webrtc/modules/video_capture/main/source/android/java/org/webrtc/videoengine/* && \ sed -i -e 's/android:versionCode/android:versionName="" android:versionCode/' AndroidManifest.xml target=android-17 build=make generate-libs BUILD_SILK=0 BUILD_AMRNB=light BUILD_GPLV3_ZRTP=1 BUILD_G729=0 BUILD_TUNNEL=0 Build:2.3.2-fdroid,2302 commit=0f4de68 submodules=yes prebuild=find submodules/externals/antlr3/runtime/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -name "C" -exec rm -r {} \; && \ rm -rf gradle liblinphone_tester tests && \ rm -rf submodules/externals/antlr3/antlr-3.4-complete.jar && \ rm -rf submodules/externals/antlr3/antlr-ant && \ rm -rf submodules/externals/libupnp/ixml/doc && \ rm -rf submodules/externals/libupnp/upnp/doc && \ rm -rf submodules/externals/libxml2/result && \ rm -rf submodules/externals/libxml2/test && \ rm -rf submodules/externals/libxml2/win32 && \ rm -rf submodules/externals/openh264/res && \ rm -rf submodules/externals/polarssl/programs && \ rm -rf submodules/externals/polarssl/tests && \ rm -rf submodules/externals/webrtc/modules/video_capture/main/source/android/java/org/webrtc/videoengine/* && \ rm -rf submodules/externals/webrtc/voice_engine/test && \ rm -rf submodules/linphone/pixmaps && \ rm -rf submodules/linphone/share && \ rm -rf submodules/linphone/tester && \ rm -rf submodules/mssilk/ios_bin && \ rm libs/gcm.jar src/org/linphone/gcm/ src/org/linphone/gcm/ && \ sed -i -e 's/ gradlew && \ chmod a+x gradlew && \ ./ && \ make -j`nproc` build && \ make copy-libs && \ make `pwd`/res/raw/rootca.pem ndk=r15c Build:3.3.1,3311 commit=3.3.1 submodules=yes sudo=apt-get install -y cmake/testing libjsoncpp1/testing libstdc++6/testing patch=3.3.0-gradle.patch gradle=yes output=bin/outputs/apk/org.linphone-release-unsigned.apk rm=libs,liblinphone_tester,submodules/externals/antlr3,src/android/org/linphone/gcm,src/android/org/linphone/firebase/Firebase*.java prebuild=sed -i -e 's|"kill_service_with_task_manager">true<|"kill_service_with_task_manager">false<|' res/values/non_localizable_custom.xml scandelete=submodules build=echo 'gradle "$@"' > gradlew && \ chmod a+x gradlew && \ ./ && \ make -j`nproc` build && \ make copy-libs && \ make `pwd`/res/raw/rootca.pem ndk=r15c Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:3.3.2 Current Version Code:3320