Categories:Development License:Apache-2.0 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:Ghost Log Summary:Show logcat in an overlay Description: Displays the device logcat buffer in a system overlay window. Features: * Persistent logcat display as a system overlay * Customisable log filters and display options * Auto filter by the current foreground Activity process * Quick access to pause/play, clear & share functions via rich notification * Integration support for non-root devices . Requires Root:yes Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.0.3,3 commit=706b8a596936b9f62a4053dc3cb05fde9b12cd6d subdir=GhostLog/app gradle=yes prebuild=sed -e '1,8s/gradle:0.7.+/gradle:1.2.2/g' -e '9,$d' build.gradle > ../build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '1,8d' -e '/plugin/s/android/' -e '/propFile/,$d' -e '/roguard/s/^/\/\//g' build.gradle && \ echo -e "allprojects {\nrepositories {\njcenter()\n}\n}" >> ../build.gradle build=mkdir -p build/outputs/apk && \ pushd build && \ ln -s outputs/apk/ apk && \ popd Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:1.0.3 Current Version Code:3