Categories:Games,Children License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:Slow It! Summary:Simple game Description: Keep the balls in the target area by guiding them with your finger. Designed for children. . Repo Type:srclib Repo:AndroidSoft Build Version:2.0,10,75,forceversion=yes,subdir=SlowIt,\ extlibs=android/android-support-v13.jar,prebuild=rm -rf libs/* && \ rm -rf $(find .. -name releases) && cd ../ && \ echo "source.dir=$PWD/SlowIt/src;$PWD/libs/Credits/src;\ $PWD/libs/Utils/src" > SlowIt/ Auto Update Mode:None # Bug in RM for srclibs #Update Check Mode:Market Update Check Mode:None Current Version:2.0 Current Version Code:10