Disabled: Superseeded by be.digitalia.fosdem
  - Time
License: GPL-3.0-only
AuthorName: Christopher Orr
AuthorEmail: chris@orr.me.uk
AuthorWebSite: https://chris.orr.me.uk/
WebSite: https://fosdem.org/
SourceCode: https://github.com/orrc/fosdem-android
IssueTracker: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=283580

AutoName: FOSDEM
Summary: European dev conference schedule
Description: |-
    FOSDEM schedule application. The original project is on sourceforge.net but it
    wasn’t updated in time for the conference, so our apk is built from one of the
    semi-official forks on github.com.

    * View the different sessions by day and tracks
    * Room plans
    * Favorites and notifications
    * Search
    * Share a session with your social network

RepoType: git
Repo: https://github.com/orrc/fosdem-android

  - versionName: 1.0.2
    versionCode: 4
    disable: broken now 117
    commit: unknown - see disabled

  - versionName: 2.0.0
    versionCode: 50
    disable: until next year 5791487b72
    commit: unknown - see disabled
    subdir: app
    submodules: true
    forcevercode: true
      - .
      - ../libraries/ActionBarSherlock/library/
      - ../libraries/StickyListHeaders/library

AutoUpdateMode: None
UpdateCheckMode: Static
CurrentVersion: 2.0.0
CurrentVersionCode: 50