Categories:Theming License:Apache-2.0 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:PaperLaunch Summary:Side launcher in material design that launches apps with one gesture Description: PaperLaunch is a side launcher. Tired of hopping back to your home screen to launch that one app while you are inside another one? Have you used a side launcher and * are frustrated because you have to do multiple gestures to launch the app? * activate it accidentally by touching the activation zone and immediately launch the app that happens to be on that spot? * do you miss the ability to define a folder structure in that launcher? Then PaperLaunch is the perfect side launcher for you. Try it! PaperLaunch is open source! You can find it on GitHub. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.0.6,6 commit=release_1.0.6 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.0.8,10 commit=release_1.0.8 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.0.9,11 commit=release_1.0.9 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.0.10,12 commit=release_1.0.10 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.0.11,13 commit=release_1.0.11 subdir=app gradle=yes Auto Update Mode:Version release_%v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.0.11 Current Version Code:13