Category:Phone & SMS License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:Linphone Summary:SIP (VOIP) phone Description: The 2.0.3 version had non-free codecs included by mistake; 2.1.2 should work as described. * Audio: speex; iLBC; G711; GSM; G722. No Silk and AMR-WB depends on device in this build * Video with VP8, mpeg4, x264 (ARMv7 only). No h264 in this build * Audio multicall and conferencing * SRTP/ZRTP media encryption * Echo cancellation * Address book integration * Call history * Multiple accounts support * Native x86 . Repo Type:git Repo:git:// Build Version:2.0.3-fdroid,2003,!contains non-free codecs at 2.0.3-1,submodules=no,\ init=git submodule update --init --recursive,prebuild=\ rm -rf tests submodules/externals/webrtc/modules/\ video_capture/main/source/android/java/org/webrtc/videoengine/* && \ echo "" > && \ sed -i 's/allowBackup=\"true\"/debuggable=\"false\"/g' AndroidManifest.xml && \ sed -i 's@\(NDK_PATH=\).*@\1$$NDK$$@' Makefile && \ sed -i 's/markets\">true/markets\">=false/g' \ res/values/non_localizable_custom.xml,build=\ make BUILD_SILK=0 BUILD_X264=1 BUILD_GPLV3_ZRTP=1 \ BUILD_FOR_X86=1 prepare-sources,buildjni=no # note the custom_rules ; didn't use a tag because of zrtp security fix Build Version:2.1.2-fdroid,2120,846a2a3a58,\ update=no,\ init=git submodule update --init --recursive,\ patch=makefile.patch,\ prebuild=sed -i '1 i NDK_PATH=$$NDK$$\nSDK_PATH=$$SDK$$/tools\n\ SDK_PLATFORM_TOOLS_PATH=$$SDK$$/platform-tools\n' Makefile && \ echo '' > && \ rm -rf tests submodules/externals/webrtc/modules/\ video_capture/main/source/android/java/org/webrtc/videoengine/* && \ sed -i 's/allowBackup="true"/debuggable="false"/g' AndroidManifest.xml && \ sed -i 's/markets">true/markets">=false/g' res/values/non_localizable_custom.xml,\ build=make,\ buildjni=no Auto Update Mode:None # uses tags but fdroid currently having some difficulty Update Check Mode:None Current Version:2.1.2 Current Version Code:2120