Categories:System License:GPL-3.0 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: FlattrID:2148361 Bitcoin:1AUuXzvVUh1HMb2kVYnDWz8TgjbJMaZqDt Auto Name:MAXS Main Summary:Main component of MAXS Description: MAXS (Modular Android XMPP Service) allows you to receive notifications and remote control your Android device over XMPP. You will need at least one transport component and one module besides MAXS main in order to make use of MAXS. '''Make sure to launch Maxs Main once before installing other MAXS components!''' . Repo Type:srclib Repo:ProjectMAXS Build:,1 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,2 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,3 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,4 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,5 disable=build tools failure as per [] commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,6 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,7 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,8 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,9 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,10 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,11 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,12 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,13 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,14 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,15 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,16 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,18 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,20 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,22 commit= subdir=main prebuild=make prebuild Build:,24 commit= subdir=main submodules=yes prebuild=make prebuild && \ rm -rf ../module-shell/libraryProjects/root-commands/ExampleApp Build:,26 commit= subdir=main submodules=yes prebuild=make prebuild && \ rm -rf ../module-shell/libraryProjects/root-commands/ExampleApp Build:,28 commit= subdir=main submodules=yes prebuild=make prebuild && \ rm -rf ../module-shell/libraryProjects/root-commands/ExampleApp Build:,1463946808 commit= subdir=main submodules=yes prebuild=make prebuild && \ rm -rf ../module-shell/libraryProjects/root-commands/ExampleApp Build:0.1.0,2000100151 commit=0.1.0 subdir=main submodules=yes prebuild=make prebuild && \ rm -rf ../module-shell/libraryProjects/root-commands/ExampleApp Build:0.3.0,2000300550 commit=0.3.0 subdir=main submodules=yes prebuild=make prebuild && \ rm -rf ../module-shell/libraryProjects/root-commands/ExampleApp Build:0.4.0,2000400598 commit=0.4.0 subdir=main submodules=yes prebuild=make prebuild && \ rm -rf ../module-shell/libraryProjects/root-commands/ExampleApp Build:0.5.0,2000500702 commit=0.5.0 subdir=main submodules=yes prebuild=make prebuild && \ rm -rf ../module-shell/libraryProjects/root-commands/ExampleApp Auto Update Mode:Version %v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:0.5.0 Current Version Code:2000500702