Category:Internet License:GPL Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Summary:Privacy-enhanced browser Description: Orweb is a companion browser to [[]], the port of Tor to Android. Tor anonymizes internet traffic by routing it through many different stages and you must have that enabled first. Orweb disables certain other browser features that could be used to identify you. . Repo Type:git Repo:git:// Build Version:0.2.2,3,460a5a92bc5a426f7ff710f03bc1341359a17d4b Build Version:0.4.2,15,3cab65406614bb43ce65133cda731f80939b3b5c Build Version:0.4.4,18,0.4.4,srclibs=ActionBarSherlock@6e3f2bb5,\ prebuild=sed -i 's@\(android.library.reference.1=\).*@\1$$ActionBarSherlock$$@' Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags # Beta as of 1st June 2013 Current Version:0.5.0-BETA-3 Current Version Code:22