Category:Internet License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: # Links to Paypal currently Donate: FlattrID:454073 Summary:Ad blocker Description: Adblock Plus runs in the background and filters ads, using the same filters as the Adblock Plus browser extension. It uses a proxy feature that comes with Android 3.1+ but if your phone comes with extra proxy settings (e.g. Samsung or Custom ROMs), it can be configured for Android 3.0 and below. Instructions are provided in the app or on their [ website]. If you are using Android 4.1.2 or after you will also need to go manual. The app checks for new versions and offers new ones but they can't be installed on top of this because of different signatures. Requires root: No. It uses a local proxy to filter ads but if you allow root the app can edit the hosts file too. The proxy does use quite a bit of RAM but the root method does not. . Repo Type:hg Repo: Build Version:1.0.1,168,1.0.1,srclibs=RootTools@211,\ init=rm -rf iptables/ libs/RootTools-1.7.jar build.xml && \ git clone,prebuild=\ echo "source.dir=src;$$RootTools$$/src" >> && cd iptables && \ git apply ../iptables.patch && sed -i 's@ndk-build@$$NDK$$/ndk-build@g' Makefile && \ make fixextensions build && mv libs/armeabi/iptables ../assets/install/,buildjni=yes Build Version:1.1,238,1.1,srclibs=RootTools@211,\ update=.;submodules/actionbarsherlock/library;submodules/android-switch-backport,\ init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ iptables/ libs/* obj/ build.xml && \ git clone,prebuild=\ echo "source.dir=src;$$RootTools$$/src" >> && cd iptables && \ git apply ../iptables.patch && sed -i 's@ndk-build@$$NDK$$/ndk-build@g' Makefile && \ make fixextensions build && mv libs/armeabi/iptables ../assets/install/,buildjni=yes Build Version:1.1.1,248,1.1.1,srclibs=RootTools@211,\ update=.;submodules/actionbarsherlock/library;submodules/android-switch-backport,\ init=rm -rf bin/ gen/ iptables/ libs/* obj/ build.xml && \ git clone,prebuild=\ echo "source.dir=src;$$RootTools$$/src" >> && cd iptables && \ git apply ../iptables.patch && sed -i 's@ndk-build@$$NDK$$/ndk-build@g' Makefile && \ make fixextensions build && mv libs/armeabi/iptables ../assets/install/,buildjni=yes Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:None Current Version:1.1.1 Current Version Code:248