Category:Multimedia License:GPLv2+ Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Summary:Audio player Description: Audio player that plays lossless files (FLAC/APE/MPC/WAV) as well as any formats natively supported by Android. CUE sheets and playlists are also supported. . Repo Type:git-svn Repo: #Can't build this without modifying the NDK - #This will have to be done on the build server only #Binary of this version in the repo Build Version:1.3.3,10,!Can't build without modifying ndk (at 91),buildjni=yes Build Version:1.3.4,14,!Can't build without modifying ndk (at 94),buildjni=yes Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Market Current Version:1.3.5 Current Version Code:15