Categories:Games License:Apache-2.0 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Changelog: Auto Name:J2ME Loader Summary:J2ME emulator Description: J2ME Loader is a J2ME emulator for Android. It supports most 2D games and also 3D with some limitations. Emulator has a virtual keyboard, individual settings for each application, scaling support. This project is a fork of J2meLoader. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.3.1,46 commit=1.3.1 subdir=app gradle=open prebuild=sed -i -e 's/28.0.0-rc1/28.0.0/' ../build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '/versionNameSuffix/d' build.gradle scanignore=app/src/main/java/javax/microedition/shell/ ndk=r16b Build:1.3.3-open,48 commit=1.3.3-open subdir=app gradle=open prebuild=sed -i -e 's/28.0.0-rc1/28.0.0/' ../build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '/versionNameSuffix/d' build.gradle scanignore=app/src/main/java/javax/microedition/shell/ ndk=r16b Maintainer Notes: The class loader is needed for the main function of the app: load JARs. . Auto Update Mode:Version %v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.3.3-open Current Version Code:48