Categories:Office,Navigation License:AGPLv3+ Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Auto Name:FixMyStreet Summary:Report street problems to FixMyStreet instances Description: Using this app you can report common street problems, like potholes or broken street lights, to councils throughout the UK or other FixMyStreet instances. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:2.0.1,36 commit=9936df91d subdir=Android srclibs=1:Cordova@2.9.0 rm=Android/libs/cordova-2.9.0.jar prebuild=cp ../src/js/config.js-example ../src/js/config.js && \ sed -e "s/LANGUAGE: '',/LANGUAGE: 'en',/" -e "s/APP_NAME: '',/APP_NAME: 'FixMyStreet UK',/" -e "s/FMS_URL: '',/FMS_URL: 'http:\/\/',/" -i ../src/js/config.js Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:2.0.1 Current Version Code:36