Category:System License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: FlattrID:86174 Name:24h Analog Clock Summary:Clock Widget Description: A widget that provides a 24 hour analog clock, with noon at the top and midnight at the bottom. If the app can get a location fix it is also able to show what hours are day or night. The drawing is done with vector graphics so that the clock looks good at any size. . Repo Type:git Repo:git:// Build Version:0.3.1,5,d7716a517ccc7d022a42ff49abb02d130961eabc Build Version:0.4.1,7,7687b8495ff6bcbed5070f70f94c1deae453eebf,rm=24hAnalogWidget.apk Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:0.4.1 Current Version Code:7