Categories:Navigation License:GPLv2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Name:OpenWLANMini Auto Name:MiniOpenWLANMap@Android Summary:Help create a WiFi coverage map Description: For use in location services when no GPS is available (similar like Google does but free and open and with an option to unsubscribe). OpenWLANMini@Android is an as small and slim as possible App that helps to collect WLANs and their positions and where users take part at a tracing contest. This App is limited to the minimal functionality that is required to do this job but does not come with additional features like a live map. . Repo Type:srclib Repo:libwlocate Build:1.05,105 commit=799b7d subdir=master/android/OWMiniAtAndroid prebuild=echo 'source.dir=src;../LocDemo/src/com/vwp/libwlocate' > Build:1.06,106 commit=580567 subdir=master/android/OWMiniAtAndroid prebuild=echo 'source.dir=src;../LocDemo/src/com/vwp/libwlocate' > Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:1.06 Current Version Code:106