Categories:Phone & SMS License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Auto Name:CSipSimple Summary:SIP (VOIP) client Description: * High performances * Rewriting/filtering rules for integration with Android * SIP SIMPLE for Messaging * Record calls * Simple configuration * Fancy UI * Many codecs (HD codecs, optimized codecs) * Supported crypto : TLS for SIP and SRTP/ZRTP for media * Themes This build doesn't include SILK (Skype) support. [ ChangeLog] . Repo Type:git-svn Repo: Build:1.02.00-2416,2416 disable=build broken at an early stage commit=2416 subdir=CSipSimple forceversion=yes forcevercode=yes prebuild=sed -i 's/MY_USE_SILK := 1/MY_USE_SILK := 0/' jni/ && \ sed -i 's/ silk//' Makefile && \ sed -i '/silk/d' jni/ scanignore=CSipSimple/jni/webrtc/sources/modules/video_capture/main/source/android/java/org/webrtc/videoengine/,CSipSimple/src/org/webrtc/videoengine/ scandelete=CSipSimple/obj,CSipSimple/libs build=make SWIG=swig ANDROID_NDK=$$NDK$$ ANDROID_SDK=$$SDK$$ buildjni=no Maintainer Notes: DexClassLoader used to load htc front-facing camera jar on HTC Evo devices. Does not break the app on other devices nor on HTC Evo devices that don't have the jar shipped with the device from HTC. No UCM applies since no tags are used and version bumps are for nightlies. . Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:None Current Version:1.01.00 Current Version Code:2336