AntiFeatures:NonFreeNet Categories:Development License:Apache-2.0 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Changelog: Auto Name:OctoDroid Summary:GitHub client Description: Supports all the basic features, such as: * Watch/unwatch repositories * View branches/tags, pull requests etc. in each repo * View and comment on issues * Home page feed of recent actions and news * Search for repositories * Diff viewer with colorized HTML * Trending repos (today, week, month, forever) Uses OAuth2: your password is used to generate a key and is then destroyed. The key can be revoked any time by visiting Formerly known as GH4A. This application is currently in BETA: please report any issues to the issue tracker. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:3.6,36 commit=53d2e5bbfd76d8ad4a779913df7b3f193fb19a3e patch=bugsense.patch gradle=yes prebuild=rm -rf libs/android-support-v4.jar Build:3.7.1,38 commit=v3.7.1 patch=mint.patch,gradle.patch gradle=yes srclibs=GH4AGitHubAPI@3d1878bd48d9aa3817a91b5a193b600c31e0406,ViewPagerIndicator@2.4.1 prebuild=rm -rf libs/*.jar && \ cp -a $$GH4AGitHubAPI$$/src/org src && \ sed -i -e '/populov/d' -e '/mavenCentral/imavenLocal()' build.gradle && \ pushd $$ViewPagerIndicator$$ && \ sed -i 's;<android-maven.version>3.3.0</android-maven.version>;<android-maven.version>3.7.0</android-maven.version>;' ../pom.xml pom.xml && \ sed -i -e 's/apklib/aar/g' pom.xml && \ rm libs/* && \ cd .. && \ $$MVN3$$ install && \ popd Build:3.8,40 commit=v3.8.0 gradle=yes srclibs=GH4AGitHubAPI@746ef8c843e4dfbd8505f72b6a2dbb23559f4ca6,PreferenceFragment@717a45433b prebuild=rm -rf libs/*.jar && \ cp -a $$GH4AGitHubAPI$$/src/org src && \ sed -i -e '/\(populov\|kolavar\|kageiit\)/d' build.gradle && \ sed -i -e "s/compile.*preferencefragment.*/compile project('preferencefragment')/" build.gradle && \ echo -e "include ':preferencefragment'\nproject(':preferencefragment').projectDir = new File('../srclib/PreferenceFragment')" > settings.gradle && \ sed -i -e "s/0.10.+/1.0.0/" $$PreferenceFragment$$/build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '/[Cc]rashlytics/d' build.gradle AndroidManifest.xml src/com/gh4a/ Build:3.8.1,41 commit=v3.8.1 gradle=yes srclibs=GH4AGitHubAPI@746ef8c843e4dfbd8505f72b6a2dbb23559f4ca6,PreferenceFragment@717a45433b prebuild=rm -rf libs/*.jar && \ cp -a $$GH4AGitHubAPI$$/src/org src && \ sed -i -e '/\(populov\|kolavar\|kageiit\)/d' build.gradle && \ sed -i -e "s/compile.*preferencefragment.*/compile project('preferencefragment')/" build.gradle && \ echo -e "include ':preferencefragment'\nproject(':preferencefragment').projectDir = new File('../srclib/PreferenceFragment')" > settings.gradle && \ sed -i -e "s/0.10.+/1.0.0/" $$PreferenceFragment$$/build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '/[Cc]rashlytics/d' build.gradle AndroidManifest.xml src/com/gh4a/ Build:4.0.2,45 disable=third party maven repos, jars, non-free deps commit=v4.0.2 gradle=yes Build:4.2.0,54 commit=v4.2.0 subdir=app patch=0001-remove-nonfree-dependencies.patch,0002-add-clientid-and-secret.patch gradle=foss Build:4.2.1,55 commit=v4.2.1 subdir=app gradle=foss prebuild=sed -i -e '/fabric/d' -e '/playstoreCompile(.*) {/,/}/d' -e s/ClientId/\'\"f0f32f2ee4a709ba3640\"\'/ -e s/ClientSecret/\'\"f94cffda88486696c2762ad986bc0b8b830c9cff\"\'/ build.gradle Build:4.3.1,58 commit=v4.3.1 subdir=app gradle=foss prebuild=sed -i -e '/fabric/d' -e '/playstoreImplementation(.*) {/,/}/d' -e s/ClientId/\'\"f0f32f2ee4a709ba3640\"\'/ -e s/ClientSecret/\'\"f94cffda88486696c2762ad986bc0b8b830c9cff\"\'/ build.gradle Build:4.3.2,59 commit=v4.3.2 subdir=app gradle=foss prebuild=sed -i -e '/fabric/d' -e '/playstoreImplementation(.*) {/,/}/d' -e s/ClientId/\'\"f0f32f2ee4a709ba3640\"\'/ -e s/ClientSecret/\'\"f94cffda88486696c2762ad986bc0b8b830c9cff\"\'/ build.gradle Auto Update Mode:Version v%v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:4.3.2 Current Version Code:59