Categories: - Multimedia License: Apache-2.0 SourceCode: IssueTracker: AutoName: Hubble Gallery Description: |- '''NOTE:''' This project [ is abandoned] and looks for a new maintainer to take over. Hubble Gallery enables you to browse through all the amazing images and descriptions that the Hubble Space Telescope mission released to the public over the past 25+ years: * Read descriptions on all images that have them * Easily navigate photos by section, popularity, and resolution * Save links to your favorite images, view them in the favorites section * Easily download and share images * Set an image as your wallpaper with one click RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: 1.5.0 versionCode: 20 commit: 1.5.0 subdir: app gradle: - yes prebuild: - sed -i -e '/maven {$/,+2d' ../build.gradle - sed -i -e '/crashlytics/,+2d' -e '/fabric/d' build.gradle - sed -i -e '/Crashlytics/d' -e '/fabric/d' src/release/java/com/derek_s/hubble_gallery/base/ MaintainerNotes: ' UpdateCheckMode disabled because checkupdates sets it to an old version' ArchivePolicy: 0 versions AutoUpdateMode: Version %v UpdateCheckMode: None