Categories:Time License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:MyHackerspace Summary:Hackerspace open/closed statuses Description: Open/Close statuses of the hackerspaces included in the SpaceAPI. Show information included in the API and a widget is provided to show it on the homescreen. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.6.1,10 commit=56287be60f Build:1.7.1,14 commit=e706cab0fd305 Build:1.7.2,15 commit=069efc060c192cc3a3c30996bc Build:1.7.3,16 commit=b57229c55c3ff Build:1.7.4,17 commit=1.7.4 Build:1.8,19 commit=1.8 submodules=yes Auto Update Mode:Version %v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.8 Current Version Code:19