Categories:System License:MIT Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:Japanese Traditional Time Summary:Clock widget Description: A clock widget based on the traditional Japanese time [ system]. * Widget showing the current hour (named after an animal) * Mapping of traditional time to local time * (Eventually) Alarms based on traditional time The sunrise and sunset times for are calculated locally by the app for the current location; if the device doesn't know that you can enter a manual one. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:,24 commit=v1.4.4.2 init=sed -i '/reference.1/d' srclibs=1:SunriseSunset-aragaer@aee96f Build:,25 disable=not published Maintainer Notes: Uses git submodules . Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.4.5pre Current Version Code:25