Categories:Office License:Apache2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:NoteCipher Summary:Notepad with lock Description: Simple app for taking notes that encrypts everything behind a password. Status: Beta. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:0.1,12 commit=8afa912172ce subdir=app srclibs=2:ActionBarSherlock@4a79d,3:NumberPicker-SimonVT@b4562,1:Cacheword@d49c128bb,IOCipher@v0.1 prebuild=wget && \ rm $$Cacheword$$/libs/iocipher.jar && \ $$SDK$$/tools/android update project -p $$Cacheword$$ -l ../../IOCipher build=unzip && \ cp -R SQLCipher\ for\ Android\ v2.2.2/libs/* libs/ && \ cp -R SQLCipher\ for\ Android\ v2.2.2/assets/* assets/ && \ rm libs/guava-r09.jar && \ cp libs/android-support-v4.jar $$Cacheword$$/libs/ && \ cp libs/android-support-v4.jar $$ActionBarSherlock$$/libs/ && \ cp libs/sqlcipher.jar $$Cacheword$$/libs/ Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:0.1 Current Version Code:13