Disabled: todo Categories: - Games License: MIT WebSite: https://lichess.org SourceCode: https://github.com/veloce/lichobile IssueTracker: https://github.com/veloce/lichobile/issues Changelog: https://github.com/veloce/lichobile/releases Summary: Free online chess Description: Official lichess.org mobile application for Android. Builds: - versionName: 4.4.1 versionCode: 20160716 disable: todo commit: foo MaintainerNotes: |- Binaries in the repo for now since F-Droid is unable to build Cordova-based application as of 20160831. See [https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/issues/60 this bug report] for more details. They come from here: [https://github.com/veloce/lichobile/releases] AutoUpdateMode: None UpdateCheckMode: None CurrentVersion: 4.4.1 CurrentVersionCode: 20160716