AntiFeatures:NonFreeNet Categories:Office License:Apache2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:OpenMensa Summary:Meals for university canteens Description: OpenMensa shows you what you can eat in the cafeteria or canteen at your university. At the moment about 150 canteens in German speaking countries are supported. In order to get today's meal plan, this app connects to the database at []. Anti-feature:NonFreeNet. It seems that the on-line database server is to be open-sourced sometime in the near future, although currently it is still not. Status: BETA. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:0.4,4 commit=39179db03aed6ed61e51256247ec4b71bfefa6a2 extlibs=android/android-support-v4.jar;osmdroid/osmdroid-android-3.0.8.jar;sl4j/slf4j-android-1.6.1-RC1.jar srclibs=ActionBarSherlock@4.2.0;Google-Gson@gson-2.2.2 prebuild=mv $$Google-Gson$$/src/main/java/com src Build:0.6,6 commit=309182553aa05e extlibs=android/android-support-v4.jar;osmdroid/osmdroid-android-3.0.8.jar;sl4j/slf4j-android-1.6.1-RC1.jar srclibs=ActionBarSherlock@4.3.1;Google-Gson@gson-2.2.4 prebuild=echo "source.dir=src;$$Google-Gson$$/src" >> # Don't use tag 0.7, it doesn't use gradle yet # This ref only adds gradle and removes unnecessary stuff Build:0.7,7 commit=1ac1e4660556b782549c34e775a1304a495291e1 gradle=yes Build:0.8,8 commit=0.8 gradle=yes Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:0.8 Current Version Code:8