Categories: - Reading License: GPL-3.0-only WebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: Donate: FlattrID: '80944' AutoName: Aard Summary: Offline dictionary Description: |- '''Note:''' This app is no longer maintained. * looks up words fast even with huge dictionaries like English Wikipedia * looks up words in multiple dictionaries in multiple languages without switching * works great as an offline Wikipedia reader * uses same the efficient, highly compressed dictionary data storage format as the desktop version * it can integrate with both [[]] and [[org.coolreader]] Ready-made dictionaries can be found on the website, or you can roll your own with the tools on the website. RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: 1.3.1 versionCode: 10 commit: 1.3.1 prebuild: mv lib libs - versionName: 1.4.0 versionCode: 12 commit: 7df930161256324e31b2c720281629f58446b6d6 prebuild: mv lib libs - versionName: 1.4.1 versionCode: 13 commit: b81c9c8c52de5f65b550e3c608a610962582e5cd prebuild: mv lib libs - versionName: 1.6.1 versionCode: 16 commit: 1.6.1 target: android-17 - versionName: 1.6.2 versionCode: 17 commit: 1.6.2 target: android-17 - versionName: 1.6.3 versionCode: 18 commit: 1.6.3 target: android-17 - versionName: 1.6.4 versionCode: 19 commit: 1.6.4 target: android-17 - versionName: 1.6.5 versionCode: 20 commit: 1.6.5 target: android-17 - versionName: 1.6.6 versionCode: 21 commit: 1.6.6 target: android-17 - versionName: 1.6.7 versionCode: 22 commit: 1.6.7 target: android-17 - versionName: 1.6.8 versionCode: 23 commit: 1.6.8 target: android-17 - versionName: 1.6.9 versionCode: 24 commit: 1.6.9 target: android-17 - versionName: 1.6.10 versionCode: 25 commit: 1.6.10 target: android-17 - versionName: 1.6.11 versionCode: 26 commit: 1.6.11 target: android-17 MaintainerNotes: |- Github site points to (itkach.aard2) as successor. We cannot point to this app as all its builds are disabled (as of 2018-10-16). AutoUpdateMode: Version %v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: 1.6.11 CurrentVersionCode: 26