Disabled:Outdated, messy builds that no longer work. Conflicts with AOSP's keyboard in most cases. Categories:Writing License:Apache-2.0 Web Site: Source Code:https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/inputmethods/LatinIME Issue Tracker: Summary:Stock keyboard Description: Despite the splash screen, there is no gesture (aka “swype”) typing in 4.4.2. There is only limited amount of monochrome Emoji characters, though they may be supplemented if you have another keyboard installed. Other recent differences include: white hinting, quicker entry of user-defined words, better suggestions in landscape and layout changes. The current version comes with English, Spanish, Russian, PT-Brazilian, Italian, German, French, dictionaries; there are more language word lists in the repository but they'd need to be compiled. There is no gesture typing with this version either. WARNING: If your ROM does com with com.android.inputmethod.latin package, you cannot update to this one directly. Either use F-Droid as a system app or remove the old package by hand and then install this one. ONLY DO THIS IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. THIS MIGHT BRICK YOUR DEVICE! . Repo Type:git Repo:https://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/inputmethods/LatinIME Build:4.4.2-MIPS,4421 commit=android-sdk-4.4.2_r1 subdir=java patch=custom_rules.xml_1.patch srclibs=Inputmethodcommon@android-4.4.2_r1 extlibs=android/android-support-v4.jar prebuild=echo -e 'package.name=com.android.inputmethod.latin\nversion.name=4.4.2-MIPS\nversion.code=4421' >> ant.properties && \ cp -r $$Inputmethodcommon$$/java/com/android/inputmethodcommon src/com/android/ target=android-19 build=$$NDK$$/ndk-build -e "APP_ABI=mips" -e "APP_CFLAGS += -w" -C ../native && \ mv ../native/libs/* libs/ Build:4.4.2-x86,4422 commit=android-sdk-4.4.2_r1 subdir=java patch=custom_rules.xml_1.patch srclibs=Inputmethodcommon@android-4.4.2_r1 extlibs=android/android-support-v4.jar prebuild=echo -e 'package.name=com.android.inputmethod.latin\nversion.name=4.4.2-x86\nversion.code=4422' >> ant.properties && \ cp -r $$Inputmethodcommon$$/java/com/android/inputmethodcommon src/com/android/ target=android-19 build=$$NDK$$/ndk-build -e "APP_ABI=x86" -e "APP_CFLAGS += -w" -C ../native && \ mv ../native/libs/* libs/ Build:4.4.2-ARM,4423 commit=android-sdk-4.4.2_r1 subdir=java patch=custom_rules.xml_1.patch srclibs=Inputmethodcommon@android-4.4.2_r1 extlibs=android/android-support-v4.jar prebuild=echo -e 'package.name=com.android.inputmethod.latin\nversion.name=4.4.2-ARM\nversion.code=4423' >> ant.properties && \ cp -r $$Inputmethodcommon$$/java/com/android/inputmethodcommon src/com/android/ target=android-19 build=$$NDK$$/ndk-build -e "APP_ABI=armeabi" -e "APP_CFLAGS += -w" -C ../native && \ mv ../native/libs/* libs/ Build:4.4.2-ARMv7,4424 commit=android-sdk-4.4.2_r1 subdir=java patch=custom_rules.xml_1.patch srclibs=Inputmethodcommon@android-4.4.2_r1 extlibs=android/android-support-v4.jar prebuild=echo -e 'package.name=com.android.inputmethod.latin\nversion.name=4.4.2-ARMv7\nversion.code=4424' >> ant.properties && \ cp -r $$Inputmethodcommon$$/java/com/android/inputmethodcommon src/com/android/ target=android-19 build=$$NDK$$/ndk-build -e "APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a" -e "APP_CFLAGS += -w" -C ../native && \ mv ../native/libs/* libs/ Maintainer Notes: Note that, like other AOSP apps, there are now special tags with 'sdk' in them; not sure what the difference is. Todo for next versions: Change authority string in res/values/dictionary-pack.xml, à la android:authorities="@string/authority" to allow for installation on top of other apps. Split up packages based on user dictionaries. . Archive Policy:8 versions Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:None Current Version:4.4.2 Current Version Code:4424