Categories: - Games License: MIT SourceCode: IssueTracker: AutoName: Form-N-Fun Summary: Draw a custom maze on paper and play it on your device using the accelerometer Description: |- Form āNā Fun is an android maze game based on real time computer vision. The user draws a custom maze on a white piece of paper and the device camera creates graphics according to the geometric shape and ball allowing the user to play using the accelerometer. The app uses contours algorithms in OpenCV to detect maze that is drawn on the paper and JBox2d engine for simulating the rigid bodies. In order to use Form-N-Fun, you also need to install the OpenCV Manager application. RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: '1.0' versionCode: 1 commit: v1.1 subdir: app/ sudo: - apt-get update || apt-get update - apt-get install ninja-build gradle: - yes srclibs: - opencv@4.1.0 rm: - opencv-java/build/ - app/libs/jbox2d-library-2.2.1-ds.jar prebuild: - mkdir $$opencv$$/platforms/android/build/ - echo 'buildscript { repositories { google() } }' >> ../build.gradle - sed -i -e 's#/Users/rohithkvsp/Documents/Android/openCV-android-sdk-4.1.0#$$opencv$$/platforms/android/build/OpenCV-android-sdk/#' src/main/jni/ - sed -i -e "s#files('libs/jbox2d-library-2.2.1-ds.jar')#'org.jbox2d:jbox2d-library:'#" build.gradle scandelete: - app/src/main/jniLibs/ build: - pushd $$opencv$$/platforms/android/build/ - python ../ --ndk_path $$NDK$$ --sdk_path $$SDK$$ - popd ndk: r16b AutoUpdateMode: Version v%v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: '1.0' CurrentVersionCode: 1