Categories:Reading License:GPL Name:VideLibri Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Provides:de.benibela.videlibri Summary:A client for (German) public libraries Description: VideLibri watches over the books you have lend in public libraries. It will automatically renew the loan period, warn you if some books are due, and keep a history of all ever lend books. You can also search new books in the catalog and order the found books. It has been tested with over 100 libraries in Germany/Austria/Switzerland. A custom programming language based on XQuery with pattern matching and a corresponding interpreter have been developed for VideLibri, so you can add support for any existing library without changing anything in the App itself. Due to the pattern matching many libraries can be added by inserting annotations on downloaded library webpages without writing any source in the custom programming language, too. . Maintainer Notes: It is difficult to maintain the dependancies of VideLibri, since most of the App is not written in Java, but in Pascal. To compile it you therefore first need to install the FreePascal compiler. Sadly, its current stable release (2.6) cannnot create android-arm binaries, so second you need to download the source of the compiler and compile the newest version of the compiler (2.7), which can create these binaries. Third, you need the source of VideLibri and configure the compiler in fpc.cfg, such that it can find all .pas files of the source. Fourth, you need Lazarus, an Pascal IDE with its own component library, on which VideLibri depends. Fifth, you need the android-support-v4, acra-4.5.0 and actionbarsherlock libraries. Sixth, you do the standard Android build process initialization Seventh, you can hopefully compile everything with a script by calling "android/ build", after changing the hard coded paths to the paths on your system. . Repo Type:hg Repo: