Disabled:non-free, little chance we'll ever build it Categories:Internet License:GPLv3+ Web Site:http://www.ratebeer.com Source Code:https://github.com/erickok/ratebeer Issue Tracker:https://github.com/erickok/ratebeer/issues Auto Name:RateBeer for Android Summary:RateBeer.com client Description: Companion client for the [http://www.ratebeer.com RateBeer]-Website. Features: * Search and explore (top) beers without the need for an account * On- and off-line rating of beers * Offer place and event suggestions based on a user's geographical location . Repo Type:git Repo:https://github.com/erickok/ratebeer Build:1.5.8,52 disable=filled with jars, uses google play services lib commit=none subdir=RateBeerForAndroid Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:1.6.1 Current Version Code:54