AntiFeatures:NonFreeDep Categories:Phone & SMS License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Name:Surespot Auto Name:surespot Summary:Send encrypted text messages Description: Use surespot and everything you send can only be read by the person you sent it to. Period. Everything sent using surespot is end-to-end encrypted with symmetric-key encryption (256 bit AES-GCM) using keys created with 521 bit ECDH shared secret derivation, but you wont notice because security in surespot is built-in, not a layer over something else. Be confident sending private information and pictures, you have control over your messages, when you delete a sent message it will be removed from the receiver's phone and images are not shareable unless you make them so. Multiple identities allow you to be who you want with just who you want, and if anyone gets annoying you can block them. Surespot does not require or store your phone number or email address and we don't mine your data, no advertisements here! . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:61-fdroid,61 disable=builds, but includes jars commit=4b9219e86c62208ebe1ca0cf48afa0cf15c34251 subdir=surespot gradle=yes forceversion=yes prebuild=rm 'src/main/res/raw/ffmpegpie' && \ rm 'src/main/res/raw/ffmpeg' && \ touch 'src/main/res/raw/ffmpegpie' && \ touch 'src/main/res/raw/ffmpeg' && \ sed -i -e '' build.gradle && \ mkdir -p ../surespotcommon/src/main/res/raw && \ sed -i -e 's#Build.VERSION_CODES.M#23#' src/main/java/com/twofours/surespot/identity/ && \ printf 'ssl_strict=true\nbaseUrl=\n' > ../surespotcommon/src/main/res/raw/ && \ sed -i -e 's#import java.util.Properties;#import java.util.Properties;\nimport com.twofours.surespot.common.R;\n#g' ../surespotcommon/src/main/java/com/twofours/surespot/common/ && \ pushd src/main/java/com/twofours/surespot/backup/ && \ sed -i -e '/import' -e 's#GoogleAuthUtil.GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_TYPE#"dummy"#' -e '/AccountPicker.newChooseAccountIntent/d' && \ cat | grep -v '\snull);' > ImportIdentityActivity.java_ && \ mv ImportIdentityActivity.java_ && \ sed -i -e 's#ActivityNotFoundException e#Exception e#' && \ sed -i -e 's#startActivityForResult(accountPickerIntent, SurespotConstants.IntentRequestCodes.CHOOSE_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT);#System.out.println("dummy");#' && \ popd && \ sed -i -e 's#android {#android {\nlintOptions {\nabortOnError false\n}\n#' build.gradle Build:63-fdroid,63 disable=needs cleaning commit=aa83369736b7533cb8ab824ee36be032b40271bf patch=Ex-63.patch,Im-63.patch gradle=yes srclibs=gcm@7f647288103bac2c5552af881f0e217c5b95d78a rm=.google_apis/._.DS_Store,._.DS_Store,surespot/libs/*,surespot/src/main/res/raw/ffmpegpie,surespot/src/main/res/raw/ffmpeg,surespotcommon/libs/acra-4.5.0.jar prebuild=pwd && \ touch 'surespot/src/main/res/raw/ffmpegpie' && \ touch 'surespot/src/main/res/raw/ffmpeg' && \ cp build.gradle build.gradle__BAK && \ echo " " >> build.gradle && \ cat surespot/build.gradle >> build.gradle && \ ln -s surespot/libs libs && \ sed -i -e 's#jcenter()#maven { url "" }#g' build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '' surespot/build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '' build.gradle && \ mkdir -p src/main && \ mkdir -p surespotcommon/src/main/res/raw && \ sed -i -e 's#Build.VERSION_CODES.M#23#' surespot/src/main/java/com/twofours/surespot/identity/ && \ printf 'ssl_strict=true\nbaseUrl=\n' > surespotcommon/src/main/res/raw/ && \ sed -i -e 's#import java.util.Properties;#import java.util.Properties;\nimport com.twofours.surespot.common.R;\n#g' surespotcommon/src/main/java/com/twofours/surespot/common/ && \ ln -s ../../surespot/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml src/main/AndroidManifest.xml && \ sed -i -e 's#@integer/google_play_services_version#4030500#' src/main/AndroidManifest.xml && \ sed -i -e 's#@integer/google_play_services_version#4030500#' surespot/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml && \ ln -s ../../surespot/src/main/aidl src/main/aidl && \ ln -s ../../surespot/src/main/java src/main/java && \ ln -s ../../surespot/src/main/res src/main/res && \ sed -i -e 's#@integer/google_play_services_version#4030500#' src/main/AndroidManifest.xml && \ sed -i -e 's#@integer/google_play_services_version#4030500#' surespot/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml && \ ln -s surespot/src/main/res && \ ln -s surespot/proguard-project.txt && \ awk 'NR<=21||NR>=62' proguard-project.txt > proguard-project.txt_ && \ mv proguard-project.txt_ proguard-project.txt && \ ln -s surespot/proguard-google-api-client.txt && \ sed -i -e 's#import org.acra.ACRA;##' androidasynchttp/src/main/java/com/loopj/android/http/ && \ sed -i -e 's#import org.acra.ACRA;##' surespot/src/main/java/com/twofours/surespot/ && \ sed -i -e 's#import org.acra.ReportingInteractionMode;##' surespot/src/main/java/com/twofours/surespot/ && \ sed -i -e 's#import org.acra.annotation.ReportsCrashes;##' surespot/src/main/java/com/twofours/surespot/ && \ sed -i -e 's#ACRA.init(this);##' surespot/src/main/java/com/twofours/surespot/ && \ sed -i -e 's#@ReportsCrashes#// @ReportsCrashes#' surespot/src/main/java/com/twofours/surespot/ && \ sed -i -e 's#formUri = "ht#// formUri = "ht#' surespot/src/main/java/com/twofours/surespot/ && \ sed -i -e 's#compile files(.libs/gcm.jar.)##' build.gradle && \ sed -i -e 's#compile files(.*libs.*)##' build.gradle && \ rm surespot/src/main/java/com/twofours/surespot/backup/ && \ sed -i -e 's#android {#android {\nlintOptions {\nabortOnError false\n}\n#' build.gradle && \ cp -av $$gcm$$/gcm-client-deprecated/src/com surespot/src/main/java/ && \ find .google_apis -name '*.jar' -exec rm {} \; novcheck=yes Maintainer Notes: * Voice function removed * Export/Import of Identityfile removed (for now) . Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:63-fdroid Current Version Code:63