AntiFeatures: - NonFreeNet Categories: - Time License: GPL-3.0-or-later SourceCode: IssueTracker: AutoName: WeatherLog Description: |- Shows, how air temperature changed within the previous 24 hours, based on OpenWeatherMap API. Visit the website for detailed information. ''NonFreeNet:'' OpenWeatherMap service itself is not open source. RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: '1.0' versionCode: 1 commit: 9b7f0240a8acb118ff314d94995374560ef9c363 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: '1.2' versionCode: 3 commit: ver.1.2 subdir: app gradle: - yes AutoUpdateMode: Version ver.%v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: '1.2' CurrentVersionCode: 3