Categories:Internet License:Apache2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Bitcoin:1HkJCceXf7of1sTNRVJbXiZHfDTLL71Siy Flattr:13523 Donate: Summary:I2P anonymous network Description: I2P is an anonymizing network, offering a simple layer that identity-sensitive applications can use to securely communicate. All data is wrapped with several layers of encryption, and the network is both distributed and dynamic, with no trusted parties. WARNING - This is ALPHA SOFTWARE. Do not rely upon it for strong anonymity. For detailed information, security information, and usage examples see the [Release Notes] . Repo Type:git Repo: Build Version:,0,788445f6ceb0d0c165e98b9b7d1aa732c98d37ac,\ srclibs=I2P@d7c3ffa4def637f1c18dbd316f9e06093b113e09,update=no,,novcheck=yes,prebuild=\ sed -i '41s|#export NDK=$(realpath ../../android-ndk-r5b/)|export NDK=$$NDK$$|' ./routerjars/jni/ && \ cp -R $$I2P$$* ./i2p.i2p && \ echo -e "\nsdk.dir=$$SDK$$" >> ./ && \ echo -e "\nsdk.dir=$$SDK$$" >> ./routerjars/ && \ echo -e "\nndk.dir=$$NDK$$" >> ./routerjars/ && \ echo -e "\ni2psrc=./i2p.i2p" >> ./ && \ rm -R ./i2p.i2p/installer/lib/jbigi/* &&\ rm -R ./i2p.i2p/installer/lib/wrapper/* && \ rm -R ./i2p.i2p/installer/lib/launch4j/bin* && \ rm -R ./i2p.i2p/installer/lib/launch4j/w32api* && \ rm -R ./routerjars/jni/ && \ cp -R $$SDK$$/extras/android/support/v7/appcompat/ appcompat/ && \ echo -e "\nandroid.library.reference.2=./appcompat/" >> ./ && \ $$SDK$$/tools/android update lib-project --path ./appcompat/ && \ echo -e "\ni2psrc=./../i2p.i2p" >> ./routerjars/ && \ wget && \ tar xjvf gmp-4.* -C ./i2p.i2p/core/c/jbigi/ && \ rm ./gmp-4.* # Android version code is an integer. So we have 31 bits. # MAJOR 4 bits 0-15 # MINOR 8 bits 0-255 # RELEASE 8 bits 0-255 # ROUTERBUILD 7 bits 0-127 # ANDROIDBUILD 4 bits 0-15 Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:None