Categories:Office License:Apache2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:QuickDic Summary:Offline translation dictionary Description: Uses data from Wiktionary and Beolingus to generate dictionary files that can be used offline. These can be downloaded from within the app. Learn how to construct your own dictionaries by viewing the wiki page on the website. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:3.0.1,15 commit=6507667d0e0af60c201ae6c732c15e2fd07886ae prebuild=mkdir libs && \ mv jars/*.jar libs/ && \ git clone Util && \ cd Util && \ git checkout c848279fde9af59fdd167eacbc5deb0258223c8e && \ cd .. && \ cp -r Util/src . && \ rm -rf Util/ Build:3.1,16 commit=64d2b5 prebuild=mkdir libs && \ mv jars/*.jar libs/ && \ git clone Util && \ cd Util && \ git checkout c8f5ba9eac5f110d574ef8b443a205051026688c && \ cd .. && \ cp -r Util/src . && \ rm -rf Util/ Build:3.2,18 commit=115509 prebuild=mkdir libs && \ mv jars/*.jar libs/ && \ git clone Util && \ cd Util && \ git checkout c8f5ba9eac5f110d574ef8b443a205051026688c && \ cd .. && \ cp -r Util/src . && \ rm -rf Util/ Build:3.2.1,19 disable=old failing build commit=66affc8fb893 prebuild=mkdir libs && \ mv jars/*.jar libs/ && \ git clone Util && \ cd Util && \ git checkout c8f5ba9eac5f110d574ef8b443a205051026688c && \ cd .. && \ cp -r Util/src . && \ rm -rf Util/ Build:3.3,21 commit=b50c9fe prebuild=mkdir libs && \ mv jars/*.jar libs/ && \ git clone Util && \ cd Util && \ git checkout 2781abb3e8f4 && \ cd .. && \ cp -r Util/src . && \ rm -rf Util/ Build:4.0.1,23 commit=1950e66885eb init=git clone Util && \ cd Util && \ git checkout 6beac13a3bc6 prebuild=mkdir libs && \ sed -i 's@\(android.library.reference.1=\).*@\1Util@' && \ cd jars/icu4j-4_8_1_1/ && \ sed -i '108d' build.xml && \ ant clean collator transliterator moduleJar && \ mv icu4j.jar ../../libs/ Build:5.0.1,25 commit=3e6ba19f4949 srclibs=1:QuickdicUtils@d57bfc6bcf5b,2:ActionBarSherlock@4.4.0 prebuild=cp libs/android-support-v4.jar $$ActionBarSherlock$$/libs/ && \ cd jars/icu4j-52_1/ && \ ant clean collator transliterator moduleJar && \ mv icu4j.jar ../../libs/ Maintainer Notes: No tags, but releases can be cross-referenced with the apk in the source repo. . Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:5.0.1 Current Version Code:25