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Auto Name:ZipSigner
Summary:Sign zip, apk, and jar files
ZipSigner is an Android app for signing Zip, Apk, and/or Jar files on-board
Android devices. Similar to jarsigner and signapk, this app can be used to
sign update zip files, APK, or JAR files using one of the four built-in keys,
or with your own private keys. The keystore and key creation features provide
some of the same functionality as the Java keytool utility.

The built-in keys and auto-select modes allow rooted themers and modders to
sign updates and modified APKs. Signing with private keys is an activity
performed by developers in order to publish apps.

Repo Type:git-svn

    disable=missing code

Auto Update Mode:None
Update Check Mode:RepoManifest
Current Version:3.4
Current Version Code:31