Categories:Internet License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Name:Transdrone Auto Name:ColorPickerPreference Summary:Manage BitTorrent clients Description: Allows you to manage the torrents you run on your home server or seedbox. You can add torrents, start/stop them, assign labels, view trackers and individual files, set priorities and much more! Most popular clients are supported, including uTorrent, Transmission, rTorrent, BitTorrent 6, Deluge, Vuze, Bitflu, BitComet, Qbittorrent, Ktorrent and Torrentflux-b4rt. Plus Synology, D-Link and Buffalo NAS clients. Transdrone is the little brother to Transdroid. Looking for integrated torrent search or RSS feeds? Then you might check out the full [[org.transdroid.full]] version. See also [[]]. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:2.3.0,217 commit=v2.3.0 subdir=app gradle=lite prebuild=sed -i 's;<bool name="updatecheck_available">true</bool>;<bool name="updatecheck_available">false</bool>;' src/lite/res/values/bools.xml && \ sed -i 's;<bool name="updatecheck_available">true</bool>;<bool name="updatecheck_available">false</bool>;' src/main/res/values/bools.xml && \ sed -i "s;apply from: '../signing.gradle';;" build.gradle Build:2.5.1,221 commit=v2.5.1 subdir=app gradle=lite srclibs=Material-Dialogs@v0.6.3.3 prebuild=sed -i 's;<bool name="updatecheck_available">true</bool>;<bool name="updatecheck_available">false</bool>;' src/full/res/values/bools.xml && \ sed -i 's;<bool name="updatecheck_available">true</bool>;<bool name="updatecheck_available">false</bool>;' src/main/res/values/bools.xml && \ pushd $$Material-Dialogs$$ && \ echo "sdk.dir=$ANDROID_HOME" > && \ sed -i 's;21.1.2;23;' build.gradle && \ gradle assembleRelease && \ gradle publishToMavenLocal && \ popd Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags #Auto Update Mode:Version v%v Update Check Name:org.transdroid Current Version:2.5.1 Current Version Code:221