Category:Internet License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Name:FTP Server Auto Name:FTP Server (Demo) Summary:Access your phone wirelessly Description: This app can serve files over the internet but the most likely usage is to access files from another computer without needing a cable. The name Demo in the launcher just means that it corresponds to the free version on Google. The app is fully featured so instead of buying the "Full" version as a way of contributing you can donate via the Paypal link. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build Version:2.2,21,460e2c,prebuild=rm -rf cloud_server promotional Build Version:2.4,23,v2.4,prebuild=rm -rf cloud_server promotional documentation Build Version:2.5.1,25,v2.5.1,subdir=Free,update=.;../Lib,prebuild=\ rm -rf ../cloud_server ../Promotional ../Documentation && mkdir src Build Version:2.5.2,26,v2.5.2,subdir=Free,update=.;../Lib,prebuild=\ rm -rf ../Promotional ../Documentation && mkdir src Build Version:2.5.3,27,v2.5.3,subdir=Free,update=.;../Lib,prebuild=\ rm -rf ../Promotional ../Documentation && mkdir src Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:2.5.4 Current Version Code:28