Categories:System License:AGPL-3.0-only Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Bitcoin:1Cbf61y8XNx3BLWvoZB71x4XgBKB7r8BuB Auto Name:SQLiteViewer Summary:A simple SQLite database viewer Description: SQLiteViewer allows to view and export as csv SQLite databases used by android apps or any SQLite databases with ease and simplicity. '''Features:''' * Open any SQLite database using the built in file browser * Open database of any app from the root filesystem (Requires root) * Export SQLite database to csv (Beware of the huge row count) * Supports custom query! Run any sqlite query on the selected databases. Subqueries, limit, order by, you name it, the app supports it. '''Permissions Explained:''' * READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - For opening databases from storage or writing exported csv file . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.0.0,1 commit=1.0.0 subdir=app gradle=fdroid prebuild=sed -i -e '/APP_PUB_KEY/d' build.gradle Auto Update Mode:Version %v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.0.0 Current Version Code:1