Categories:Internet License:GPLv3+ Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Changelog: Auto Name:Diaspora Summary:Client for the Diaspora social network Description: Unofficial webview based client for the community-run, distributed social network "Diaspora". It's currently under development and should be used with that in mind. Please submit any bugs you might find. Based on [[]]. [ Screenshots] . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.0.1,2 commit=v1.0.1 subdir=app gradle=yes Build:1.1,5 commit=v1.1 subdir=app gradle=yes prebuild=echo -e "android { lintOptions { disable 'MissingTranslation' } }" >> build.gradle Build:1.1.1,10 commit=v1.1.1 subdir=app gradle=yes Auto Update Mode:Version v%v Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.1.1 Current Version Code:10