Category:Navigation License:GPLv3 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: FlattrID:1146360 Auto Name:KeepingTracks Summary:Keep track of your rail journeys Description: Features: * auto-complete station names and three-letter codes * pick from the departure board and have stations and times auto-completed * share your journeys with a Foursquare check-in * browse information and photos, and make notes on train types * import & export your journeys as CSV, so you can easily back-up your data * help bug-fixing by sending geeky data if the app crashes Permissions: * Location: for accurate Foursquare check-ins * Internet/Network: for downloading departure board, and Foursquare check-in * Logs: for sending log data with crash reports (crash reports are optional) * Storage (SD Card): for saving photos, tokens etc. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build Version:1.01,20130223,!Far too old (upgrade still supported) Build Version:1.02,20130323,!Mistake in database schema upgrade Build Version:1.03,20130421,1.03,prebuild=rm -rf sources,target=android-10 Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:Tags Current Version:1.04 Current Version Code:20130727