Categories:Multimedia License:Apache-2.0 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Changelog: Auto Name:Barcode Scanner Repo Type:git Repo: Build:4.3.1,87 commit=38b3fe1280 subdir=android prebuild=cd ../core && \ ant build export && \ cd ../android Build:4.4,91 commit=2220400644 subdir=android prebuild=sed -i '477s/shopperMarketListener/null/g;s/R.string.msg_install_google_shopper/"Google Shopper is non-free software"/g' src/com/google/zxing/client/android/result/ build=$$MVN3$$ package -f ../core/pom.xml Build:4.5,93 commit=0d6eabd6fc subdir=android build=$$MVN3$$ package -f ../core/pom.xml Build:4.5.1,94 commit=a9fe6ccde1 subdir=android build=$$MVN3$$ package -f ../core/pom.xml Build:4.5.2,95 commit=3de3374dd2 subdir=android build=$$MVN3$$ package -f ../core/pom.xml Build:4.6.1,96 commit=BS-4.6.1 subdir=android build=$$MVN3$$ package -f ../core/pom.xml Build:4.6.2,97 commit=BS-4.6.2 subdir=android build=$$MVN3$$ package -f ../core/pom.xml Build:4.6.3,98 commit=BS-4.6.3 subdir=android prebuild=echo -e "java.source=7\" >> target=android-19 build=$$MVN3$$ package -f ../core/pom.xml Build:4.6.4,99 commit=BS-4.6.4 subdir=android prebuild=echo -e "java.source=7\" >> target=android-19 build=$$MVN3$$ package -f ../core/pom.xml Build:4.7.0,100 commit=BS-4.7.0 subdir=android prebuild=echo -e "java.source=7\" >> && \ echo 'source.dir=src;../android-core/src' >> target=android-19 build=$$MVN3$$ package -f ../core/pom.xml Build:4.7.3,103 commit=BS-4.7.3 subdir=android prebuild=echo -e "java.source=7\" >> && \ echo 'source.dir=src;../android-core/src' >> target=android-19 build=$$MVN3$$ package -f ../core/pom.xml Build:4.7.4,104 disable=fails commit=BS-4.7.4 subdir=android prebuild=echo -e "java.source=7\" >> && \ echo 'source.dir=src;../android-core/src' >> target=android-19 scanignore=core/src/test build=$$MVN3$$ package -f ../core/pom.xml Build:4.7.5,105 disable=requires recent maven, seemingly no way around it commit=BS-4.7.5 subdir=android maven=yes scanignore=core/src/test build=$$MVN3$$ install -f ../core/pom.xml -Dmaven.test.skip=true && \ $$MVN3$$ install -f ../android-core/pom.xml -Dmaven.test.skip=true Build:4.7.6,106 commit=BS-4.7.6 subdir=android maven=yes output=target/android-4.7.6-aligned.apk prebuild=echo "Using SUDO to install maven from jessie-backports repo!" && \ sudo apt-get -y install -t jessie-backports maven && \ sed -i "58iandroid:debuggable=\"false\"" AndroidManifest.xml scanignore=core/src/test build=$$MVN3$$ install -f ../core/pom.xml -Dmaven.test.skip=true && \ $$MVN3$$ install -f ../android-core/pom.xml -Dmaven.test.skip=true && \ $$MVN3$$ install -f ../pom.xml -Dmaven.test.skip=true Maintainer Notes: Enable AUM again once they switch to a sane build system, possibly gradle. Summary and Description have been moved to the new localizable text files: . Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:None Current Version:4.7.6 Current Version Code:106