Categories:Writing License:GPL-3.0 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:Omni Notes Summary:Writes multimedia notes, checklists, reminders Description: Note taking open-source application aimed to have both a simple interface but keeping smart behavior. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:5.2.20,230 commit=5.2.20 subdir=omniNotes gradle=foss prebuild=sed -i -e '/' -e '/apply plugin: "sonar-runner"/,+999d' ../build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '/playCompile/d' build.gradle Build:5.3.1,232 commit=5.3.1 subdir=omniNotes gradle=foss prebuild=sed -i -e '/' -e '/apply plugin: "sonar-runner"/,+999d' ../build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '/googleAnalyticsRelease/,+2d' build.gradle && \ sed -i -e '/playCompile/d' -e '/applicationVariants/,+7d' build.gradle Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:HTTP Update Check Data:|VERSION_CODE=(.*)|.|VERSION_NAME=(.*) Current Version:5.3.1 Current Version Code:232