Categories:Internet License:GPLv2+ Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:Fwknop2 Summary:Client to send SPA packets to a fwknopd server Description: Allows you to send packets to an fwknopd service to remotely open ports on a Linux machine or a router running OpenWrt. Fwknop2 has the ability to launch an ssh client to start the login process through the newly opened port. It also includes the ability to import keys via QR codes. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:1.0,3 commit=83416b654afd17c1e35d3f4b82fd109d8a8cf32c subdir=app prebuild=sed -i -e '/\/Sonelli\/maven/d' build.gradle && sed -i -e '/jcenter/amavenLocal()' ../build.gradle && \ pushd $$juicessh-plugin-library$$ && sed -i -e '/Dropbox/d' -e '/groupId/irepository(url: mavenLocal().url)' build.gradle && gradle uploadArchives && popd buildjni=no srclibs=juicessh-plugin-library@cf1a9c3494f15c324fbb1e373b49b1b3a79b1926 gradle=yes Maintainer Notes: Gradle introduced a packageId along with app id. While they are commonly the same, it's okay for them to mismatch. We need to fix this in our updates. So right now, UCM is disabled. . #Auto Update Mode:Version %v-release Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:None Current Version:v1.0-Beta.2,1 Current Version Code:1