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Auto Name:TunesViewer
Summary:University podcast access
A small, easy to use program to access iTunes-University
media and podcasts (iTunesU).

* Direct searching, browsing, and downloading
* Supports itunes-University login, to download students-and-staff-only media
* Reveals the standard rss-podcast-feed of the itunes-podcasts, for use in any podcast software
* Includes the option to set itself as default protocol handler, to go directly from the “loading itunes-U…” page to viewing with TunesViewer
* This will NOT let you connect to iTunes store accounts or buy anything

Repo Type:hg

Build Version:1.1,14,125
Build Version:1.2.1,16,134

Auto Update Mode:None
#Not on Market: see
Update Check Mode:None
Current Version:1.2.1
Current Version Code:16