Categories:Development License:Apache2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Auto Name:Intent Intercept Summary:View inter-app communication Description: This app attempts to intercept as many intents as possible in order to examine their contents. This helps when trying to develop an app that reacts to a particular intent. Some details of the intent can now be edited before resending it. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:2.0,100 commit=965ec1d9ed subdir=IntentIntercept submodules=yes target=android-16 update=.;../contrib/ActionBarSherlock/library;../contrib/android-switch-backport Build:2.01,101 commit=2a5e768b6e subdir=IntentIntercept submodules=yes target=android-16 Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:2.0.3 Current Version Code:103