Categories:System License:Apache2 Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Name:BusyBox Installer Summary:Interface to install system tools Description: '''N.B''' During testing it was found that the restore function wasn't working properly. It's recommended that you don't use it. Interface to install BusyBox 1.21.1 (just ARM architecture for now as the other ones can't be built) as well other versions off the internet (if you're brave). Don't install the 1.21.0 version as it isn't in the apk. BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single small executable. It provides replacements for most of the utilities you usually find in GNU fileutils, shellutils, etc. Android usually comes with a very limited multi-tool called Toolbox and sometimes it is crippled even more, so a standard Busybox is often needed by root apps that need to do different jobs. The app allows you backup and restore current binaries; to disable individual applets and see their help documentation. Just in case something goes wrong it would be wise to have a system image nearby that can be flashed via recovery or fastboot. The range of applets in [ this] version isn't identical to the upstream version. Requires root. . Requires Root:Yes Repo Type:git-svn Repo: Build:10.3,161 disable=build 162 instead commit=32 subdir=app/Pro target=android-15 srclibs=1:ViewPagerIndicator@8cd549;RootTools@3.4;BusyboxConfigs-linusyang@63dc rm=binaries;patches;app/Free;app/Pro/assets prebuild=mkdir assets && \ cp -r $$RootTools$$/src/com/ src/ && \ cp -r $$BusyboxConfigs-linusyang$$ ../BB && \ sed -i 's/darwin-x86_64/linux-x86/g;s/4.4.3/4.6/g;/android_ndk_config-w-patches/d;s/#CONFIG_FILE/CONFIG_FILE/' ../BB/Makefile build=cd ../BB && \ export PATH=$$NDK$$/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin:$PATH && \ make CONFIG_SYSROOT="$$NDK$$/platforms/android-9/arch-arm" ARCH=arm ANDROID_NDK=$$NDK$$ && \ mv busybox-git.arm/busybox ../Pro/assets/busybox1.21.1.png Build:10.3.1,162 commit=37 subdir=deprecated/Pro forceversion=yes forcevercode=yes target=android-15 srclibs=1:ViewPagerIndicator@8cd549;RootTools@3.4;BusyboxConfigs-linusyang@63dc rm=binaries;patches;app;deprecated/Free;deprecated/Pro/assets prebuild=mkdir assets && \ cp -r $$RootTools$$/src/com/ src/ && \ cp -r $$BusyboxConfigs-linusyang$$ ../BB && \ sed -i 's/darwin-x86_64/linux-x86/g;s/4.4.3/4.6/;/android_ndk_config-w-patches/d;s/#CONFIG_FILE/CONFIG_FILE/' ../BB/Makefile build=cd ../BB && \ export PATH=$$NDK$$/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin:$PATH && \ make CONFIG_SYSROOT="$$NDK$$/platforms/android-9/arch-arm" ARCH=arm ANDROID_NDK=$$NDK$$ && \ mv busybox-git.arm/busybox ../Pro/assets/busybox1.21.1.png Build:10.7,180 commit=37 subdir=application/Busybox disable=busybox builds but java app isn't functional; if building for multiple architectures, need to rename busybox binaries sensibly so they are made available in the UI forceversion=yes forcevercode=yes gradle=pro srclibs=RootTools@3.4;BusyboxConfigs-linusyang@63dc prebuild=mkdir assets && \ cp -r $$RootTools$$/src/com/stericson/RootTools src/main/java/stericson/ && \ cp -r $$BusyboxConfigs-linusyang$$ ../BB && \ sed -i 's/darwin-x86_64/linux-x86/g;/android_ndk_config-w-patches/d;s/#CONFIG_FILE/CONFIG_FILE/' ../BB/Makefile build=cd ../BB && \ export PATH=$$NDK$$/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin:$PATH && \ make CONFIG_SYSROOT="$$NDK$$/platforms/android-9/arch-arm" ARCH=arm ANDROID_NDK=$$NDK$$ && \ mv busybox-git.arm/busybox ../Busybox/assets/busybox.png Build:10.7,200 commit=37 disable=using Tias repo:sed: invalid option -- 'D' -- 'z' after patching; if building for multiple architectures, need to rename busybox binaries sensibly so they are made available in the UI forceversion=yes forcevercode=yes subdir=application/Busybox gradle=pro srclibs=RootTools@3.4;BusyboxConfigs@835af1 prebuild=mkdir assets && \ cp -r $$RootTools$$/src/com/stericson/RootTools src/main/java/stericson/ && \ cp -r $$BusyboxConfigs$$ ../BB && \ sed -i 's/i686-android-linux/i686-linux-android/g;/android_ndk_config-w-patches/d;s/#CONFIG_FILE/CONFIG_FILE/' ../BB/Makefile build=cd ../BB && \ export PATH=$$NDK$$/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin:$PATH && \ make CONFIG_SYSROOT="$$NDK$$/platforms/android-9/arch-arm" ARCH=arm ANDROID_NDK=$$NDK$$ && \ mv busybox-git.arm/busybox ../Busybox/assets/busybox-1.21.0-ARM.png && \ export PATH=$$NDK$$/toolchains/x86-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin:$PATH && \ make CONFIG_SYSROOT="$$NDK$$/platforms/android-9/arch-x86" ARCH=x86 ANDROID_NDK=$$NDK$$ && \ mv busybox-git.x86/busybox ../Busybox/assets/busybox-1.21.0-x86.png && \ export PATH=$$NDK$$/toolchains/mipsel-linux-android-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin:$PATH && \ make CONFIG_SYSROOT="$$NDK$$/platforms/android-9/arch-mips" ARCH=mips ANDROID_NDK=$$NDK$$ && \ mv busybox-git.mips/busybox ../Busybox/assets/busybox-1.21.0-MIPS.png Maintainer Notes: The Java app is hard to figure out as things keep moving around and there are no commit descriptions. It's now using gradle but it's half baked at r40. Busybox x86 and MIPS don't build for me with linusyang setup with stericson and basic configs. The Tias setup won't patch properly; maybe it's my version of sed. Recommended toolchain is 4.4.3, but f-droid doesn't have that. For 10.3 I just ripped out the prebuilts; it seems to be OK but somebody should verify. This is all I had to go on:, but the source code is so messed up and the blobs are still there :\ Could consider use of standalone toolchains for compatibility with older NDKs: . Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:None Current Version:10.3 Current Version Code:162