Categories:Internet License:GPLv2+ Web Site: Source Code: Issue Tracker: Donate: Auto Name:Vuze Remote Summary:Manage BitTorrent clients Description: Vuze Remoteā¢ is a simple, straightforward application that allows you to control your VuzeĀ® desktop client or Transmission torrent client through your mobile device. With Vuze Remote you can manage torrents with the touch of a button. Download the Vuze Remote application, scan in your Remote Pairing QR Code from your Vuze desktop client (or enter it manually), connect and go. Easy to set-up and effortless to use. Features: * Search for torrents directly from your device & add to your desktop client * Manage torrent progress * Set download/upload speeds * Adjust torrent and file priorities * Select files a location when adding torrent * Create login profiles to connect multiple remote computers * Simple, easy to use interface * Advanced login controls and supports Transmission bittorrent client * Ad free experience For a complete step-by-step guide read the [ Vuze Remote for Android guide]. For additional help please visit the [ Vuze forum]. Have a suggestion? Please contact [ Vuze]. . Repo Type:git Repo: Build:2.2.4,63 commit=5e9486fb4a4cb0a90d6f0ee8fce5dad2ef242e04 subdir=VuzeRemoteProject patch=f-droid.2.2.4.diff srclibs=FastJSON@1.1.46-android,jcfis@jcifs-1.3.17-kohsuke-1 rm=VuzeRemoteProject/libs/*,google-play-services_lib,VuzeRemoteProject/src/com/vuze/android/remote/,VuzeRemoteProject/src/com/vuze/android/remote/,VuzeRemoteProject/src/com/vuze/android/remote/,MaterialEditText/library/src/main/nineoldandroids-2.4.0.jar,android-switch-backport/sample,appcompat/libs/android-support-v4.jar extlibs=android/android-support-v4.jar prebuild=cp libs/android-support-v4.jar ../appcompat/libs build=pushd $$FastJSON$$ && \ $$MVN3$$ -DskipTests package && \ popd && \ cp -fR $$FastJSON$$/target/ libs/ && \ pushd $$jcfis$$ && \ rm -rf src/jcifs/http* && \ $$MVN3$$ package && \ popd && \ cp -fR $$jcfis$$/target/jcifs-1.3.17-kohsuke-1.jar libs/ Maintainer Notes: INFO: * Metadata and patches are in upstream's repo. TODO: * WARNING: Found JAR file at MaterialEditText/library/src/main/libs/android-support-annotations.jar * WARNING: Found JAR file at appcompat/libs/android-support-v7-appcompat.jar . Auto Update Mode:None Update Check Mode:RepoManifest Current Version:2.2.4 Current Version Code:63