Categories: - Theming License: Apache-2.0 SourceCode: IssueTracker: Changelog: AutoName: DarkCroc Theme Summary: A dark Substratum theme targeting Android 9+ Description: |- IMPORTANT: You need the Substratum theming platform working on your device! Read the inbuilt information before reporting any issues! Theme for Substratum, originally based on the default AOSP dark material colors; then extended to provide more variants to allow configuration according to the user's taste. This is the successor theme of Default Dark Theme series for newer Android versions, starting with Android 9. RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: '1.1' versionCode: 2 commit: v1.1 subdir: app gradle: - yes prebuild: sed -i -e 's/\"generate_/\"\.\.\/generate_/g' build.gradle AutoUpdateMode: Version v%v UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: '1.1' CurrentVersionCode: 2